  • 成立时间:1994-10-18 | 所属行业:饲料业 | 公司性质:股份制企业
    员工人数:500-1000人 | 所在地区:北京 - 北京市

DBN (DA BEI NONG) Sci-tech group is a high-tech enterprise in China, founded by a group of young agricultural scientists led by Dr. Shao, Genhuo in 1993. After more than ten years development, DBN group has been engaged in the mission of “serving the nation, promoting the agricultural development, striving for excellence and cooperating with peer industries”, and committed to advancing the agricultural science and technology in China.

DBN group has developed and become a hi-tech agricultural intelligent enterprise, composed of four major industries, feed, animal health protection, crop seeds and plant protection, integrated and aided with China Farmer University and Nongbo Aweb. The group has about 5,000 employees, including 30 employees with earned Ph.D. degrees and 70 masters, 5 senior experts with earned national government grant, and it is now operating more than 40 branches and factories, 500 specialty stores and above 1000 service stations located in counties of China.


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猪场技术厂长成都/不限20 人2024-2-29
总经办主任成都/新津县1 人2024-2-29
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